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How To Play Ps2 Games Without Swap Magic

카테고리 없음

by spenencoti1972 2020. 3. 1. 11:18


NOTE: This is only for people who have made a big scratch on their disc and wont run properly, Afraid they might lose it, dont want to damage their original disc.play a backed up PS2 game without a MODchip, Slidecard, Gameshark, and a Swap Magic Disk???Here goes it took me over a year to figure this out and over a $500 worth of discs.PS2: Well Duh.Computer: with a DVD Burner and a CD Burner. Mines a LG Multi its very cheap and is probably better than the really expensive ones.

(cost: $80).DVD Decrypter will probably be the best one to use although it wont burn every game. 90% of games will burn and play perfectly and only 10% wont.Thats all the things you need.Now here are the instructions:.open DVD Decrypter.tools-settings-ISO Read Mode-File Splitting=4.7GB-DVD+RWCapacity=Disc and remove all the boxes that are ticked.then go to the ISO Write.If you are burning a DVD click DVD and CD=CD as the write mode setting. Untick where it says lock Volume - Excluive access.Then go to the CSS setting. Tick in options Detect mastering errors and force decryption key. The key is: A0100. The other half of the page should be a sliding bar (if you dont know what that means, its where it says CSS detection Search Size, DeCSSplus Occurrences etc put it all to max because it varies. After that go to the I/Q settings and pick the Patin-couffin VSO setting (if it doesn’t work just leave it to the default it doesn’t really make a difference it just makes a few games that have VSO decryption work.

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All that configuration done.go to mode=ISO=Read then ISO=Write and burn it onto the disc (i used a SONY and a TOSHIBA Disc brand and it worked perfectly but for some reason brands like Tevion, HYUNDAI and TDK never worked for me). Once youve done that you can go to your PS2 and play your Backed up game.just insert it in and presstoe your able to play without buying expensive accessories (does not include the Disks, Computer and the PS2)There is also a better way of doing this but you got to have more stuff but instead of 90% of games work 99.9% games will work but it takes too long to explain but if anyone hasnt got a Computer or a DVD Burner tell me and i’ll explain it for you.REMEMBER THIS IS ONLY FOR PEOPLE WHOS AFRAID OF DAMAGING,LOSING, etc their DISCS. Nothing else.

How to play ps2 games from usb with free mcboot

How To Play Ps2 Games From Usb Without Swap Magic

Yes there is an alternative to that god forsaken waste of money swap magic. I mean it was handy the first time but everyone found ways around paying $20 for a DVD that you only use once.

There are many games out there that have files on them in.elf format, and they are pretty much like.exe's except for ps2. The most famous is 007 Agent Under Fire. By replacing the.elf on the DVD with a program called CogSwap, you can install a softmod called FreeMcBoot. Then from there, you can also use CogSwap to play backed up PS2 games. I did that with sooooooo many PS2 games and it works great.

There were a fre problems I had but only due to scratches and burn errors. Three things: 1. I know you posted this 5 years ago, and if you didn't get the answer you were looking for in 5 years time, sit tight. You don't need a modchip to play those, and I wouldn't recommend getting one anyway. Have you heard of FreeMcBoot?

If you install FreeMcBoot using a few rare obscure games due to high demand due to the discovery of the FreeMcBoot mod, you can install a program called CogSwap. That program lets you play backed up PS2 games (not PS1 games in my experiences) because it takes the Identification credentials from a real PS2 game and uses it for those games so they can run correctly. Hope I helped if you didnt find out already.